Friday, January 19, 2007

When your mother blogs, you know you're in trouble

You may have seen links to my sisters’ blogs that have drifted off the page, but I figured that it was time to actually update my very sadly neglected links section when my mom started a blog. Not often updated mind you, but it has some lovely pictures. Now you can keep track of the whole Chaiton family.

Also newly online is my friend from King’s, Francis Wooby, now living in Iqualit taking care of the cutest little kid you’ve ever seen. Check of this description of a party that would never happen in the south.

Charlie’s move to myspace is very sad, abandoning blogger in order to shut me out of leaving comments. That’s the only reason I can imagine for leaving blogger. He’s almost as amusing on myspace, so I’ll link him. Congrats though on the massive scholarship for your outstanding academic achievement! That's seriously big money.

Anyway, that move to myspace also means I should add Troy finally to my list too. I should finally add the McWiskings as well, given that they are the best bloggers of the bunch. I promise I’ll add Chris too…if he posts again!

Also, Charlie—just to let you know that while blogger may be soooo 2005. Myspace is so 2006. The new hotness is Facebook. Why just today, I became friends with a certain Sabrina L., but none of the rest of you have made your way to the future of internet stalking.
Also, in case any of you want to know what I’ve actually been doing with my life, I’ve added links to my picasa web space which has most of my pictures because I’m too lazy to add them to flickr and a search to my publications (updating as we speak).

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Since I've been gone

I've got a couple of stored up mental posts I've been meaning to get to and not sure which to start with. So because after going through the archives of this blog it appears that it's about 50% music obsessed, the correct way to come back is with a music post. Although this past year, I haven't been the most in touch with what's happening, I still have a couple of favourites. So with little ado, my top 4 songs of 2006 (now with YouTube!).

4. National-Daughters of the Soho Riots.
Although not technically from 2006, one of the ones that stuck with me all year from a fantastic album. I think I actually bought the CD of this album to give to Matt as a christmas present last year but ended up keeping it for myself. (Sorry Matt)

3.Voxtrot-Mothers, Sisters, Daugters, and Wives.
Not the best video, but this is my other favourite album that is legitimately from last year.

2.Neko Case- Hold On
The line in the song that goes "I leave the party at 3am/ alone thank god/ with a valium from the bride/ it's the devil I love" makes me go a little weak. Warning: I have no idea who ashley and spenser are.

1.The Gossip-Standing in the way of control.
This is simply the coolest song of the year.