Sunday, October 29, 2006

K-Fed: round two

DSC01915-1, originally uploaded by mchaiton.

Halloween this year got off to an early start. I reprised my K-Fed costume from a few years back, but I think either the man himself has been getting more popular or I did a better job because all these people recognized me. Details to note: the blinged out earring, Yankees cap with the straigh brim, tattoos, silver chain, wifebeater, short pants, basketball shoes with no laces, chin strap. I'm deciding whether or not I should bring the look out full time.

I tried to get Erin to do Pregnant Britney, but apparently she was forced to go as a contestant on The Bachelor and dress all classy like. I did run into someone who dressed as pregnant britney. We had a little moment.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Speaking of movies

I kind of knew that the song 'debaser' had something to do with the Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí film. What I didn't know was how literal it all was. Seriously, I kind of thought the lyrics had some deep, surrealistic meaning that I couldn't grasp, but the song is simply a fairly straight, almost bluntly obvious, description of the movie. I guess that serves me right for not going out and actually checking out my cultural references, but that was before the internet. And youtube.

If you want to see all 15 minutes of the real movie, it's here