Monday, November 06, 2006

Party season and mushy pictures

big green door, originally uploaded by mchaiton.

Any one in the general vicinity of toronto coming to the party on the weekend? It looks like it might be fun, although I'm not going to take any credit/blame, as it was really all the work of Erin's friends. Alternatively, who's coming out for the Wilson visit? Anyone need a couch or two? This is looking like it could be an exciting month or so.

Also, it seems the month for heading to France with Matt and Hilary both making their way there. I'm really jealous at the moment. The pictures look gorgeous. I'm waiting to figure out that I've inherited a nice little vineyard from some lost uncle. Plus with Andrew trekking around Peru, it's leaving me with a bit of wanderlust. It makes it worse not having a valid passport for the first time in decades, maybe. I feel so trapped.


Blogger Hilary said...

You better get on that passport renewal -- March will sneak up on you! You get to go to London (for a day) and then South Africa! But I'm sure your highlight will be visiting me for a night, no doubt about it!

2:00 AM  

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