Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Okay, Okay I'll write

It's the last day of summer and I'm sitting in some anonymous building at school abusing the wireless internet. I wasn't meant to be here today. I was meant to be at St. Mike's Hospital taking a course in transdisciplinary research and the health of marginalized populations (actual course name) but the bastards changed the course time on me and everyone else. I guess the benefit of this is that's one course title I'll never have to say again.

Tomorrow's the first day of fall and I'm excited for the weather to cool down and become fall. I'm so tired of this hot weather and feeling hot all the time and sweating and I keep trying to break out the sweaters at the first sign of a chill only to feel cheated in the heat of the mid-morning sunshine. I went for a run this morning with Erin, far too early this morning, early enough that the sun hadn't yet risen by the time we got back. The run was okay and not too long or too hard but what was wonderful was that familiar bite in the air of the cold and the crisp and the impending winter. Of course, now it's thirty degrees outside and this morning was only a tease.

Today is the first class of the two that I will be TA'ing this year. It's the part that I enjoy, I have to remind myself, because it's not a natural part for me, and I don't know whether I'm looking forward to it or dreading it this year. It's the part that I enjoy, I remind myself.

Last weekend, I saw Charlie and Pablo and Dave Brown. Dave Brown I met on college street walking to a walk-in clinic for to get someone to look in my eye (actual conversation: "Can I make an appointment?" "No, you have to walk-in") and it was good to see him. Charlie and Pablo came briefly to Erin's birthday party after the White Stripes. They looked the same but maybe older and taller and Charlie all clean cut and dressed up in Pablo's shirt because they had been warned that the club we were in was fancy, although not really that fancy, but they looked fancy anyways. They didn't stay too long because the drinks were too expensive and Pablo was worried about being too far north and not being able to find his way back. And Charlie's finished a book about his hitchhiking days and he's getting someone to look at it to see if it is any good. And Pablo's married and looking to get pregnant or at least get his wife pregnant or at least keep practicing.

And now? Now it is lunch time and I am hungry and somewhere out there is a bagel and a diet coke with my name on it.


Blogger Sara and Scott said...

To quote the infamous Charlie:

Bagels taste like ass.

9:08 AM  

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