One night in bangkok
So I'm almost off to thailand. Final packing done and room cleaned and everything. Should be leaving the house in under 6 hours. I would say, like Andrew, that I'm taking a break but it would be tough to tell a "break" from "normal posting". Maybe I'll even post more than usual? Either way, you can assume the underlying message for anything in the next three weeks would be "having fun somewhere" well unless I get thrown in jail or something, but let's not go there. A surprising number of people have given me very serious, hand on the shoulder, "be careful-don't get thrown in jail" advice. While it's a good rule and all, I'm just not sure what it is I could do to earn that--I'm really not interested in anything that could remotely get me arrested. Really.
But despite that, fun will be had. And speaking of lack of illegalness, congratulations are in order to Matt for becoming a bona fide temporary resident of scotland.
Also, re: fun was Lindsay's CD exchange. I haven't got a CD yet because it just started, but hopefully I'll have great new music from random person when I get back. If you're interested, I put up most of the songs from the one I made and sent off in the artichokes account if you want to hear it.
Now for a few hours of sleep before I trek out to the airport.