Hey Drew
According to the web stats on this page all the people who've seen it have come from your page. I'm guessing that this particular blog is just you and me keeping in touch. Not such a bad thing--although it has made you wade through my laborious writing. Anyways, in that vein, I'll give you another reason to not to celebrate Elvis's death: this whole celebration thing is racist:
"Media arrogance and dishonesty means we are eternally bound to live in a skewed world where Elvis is king of rock'n'roll, Clapton is the guitar god, Sinatra is the voice and Astaire is the greatest dancer. Accustomed as we are to this parade of white heroes, the case of Elvis is particularly infuriating because for many black people he represents the most successful white appropriation of a black genre to date."
Also, if you're interested in dead white men with undue media attention, look at Dress-up Jesus, I think you'll like it Drew.
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