Friday, September 17, 2004

Not overwhelmed or anything

I just realized the irony of that last title quote from Yvan Attal, "who hates french music" and if you were there it was clear that he is quite emphatic about this. The irony is, is that his wife is Charlotte Gainsbourg. Why would that be ironic? You may want to talk to her father, Serge about that. Well, if he weren't dead. I sense some issues here.

Nearly finished the marathon that is the film festival. Saw 5X2 which is bad. Not badly done, just no redeeming qualities. It was an interesting juxtaposition with the Attal film--both films are about french couple in their early thirties with young kids who are having difficulties, but in the Attal film you like the characters and they at heart like each other. In 5x2, nobody likes anybody.

Also saw Millions, which you should definitely see when it comes around. I hope it gets another edit, because it was about a finger's width away from being perfect, but marred by a couple of scenes that pushed it over the edge from endearing to shlocky. I'm a sucker for this kind of film though: whimsical and magical with little kids as the heros.


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