Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Returning to the fold

Boy, I'm been neglecting my blog so much that I even neglected to publish my the last entry from last week. I hope that I can update somewhat regularly, especially when I get internet access at home next week. (I discovered that I really can't live without being constantly connected...damn technology running my life). Congrats to Sara too for starting her blog and her well-intentioned threat to write once a week--makes sense, I say.

So the big T.O. is turning out to be the place to be. I still haven't had my sushi fix yet, but maybe that can be fixed today. It's so nice having such a variety of things to do, even if I never actually do very many of them: the Film festival for instance, or the Doves concert that I meant to go to, or that raw fish I haven't eaten. I did get to babysit for my uncle while he went to a post film gala party with Kevin Kline. I also got to see a great concert at the Horseshoe, Fred Eaglesmith, who you should definitely check out if you get a chance to. He was truly fanastic. And of course, the necessary trip to the Green Room with Matt, Fiona, and Christy. Thursday, I'm looking forward to going to the Global Pop Conspiracy which is run by Kevin Siu, Leslie's brother, Shift publisher, and coolest guy according to Christy. Check out GPC's radio channel, it's a good mix.

Grad school too seems so far like my perfect life. Read a lot, go to class and talk about it, do a little homework to feel useful. My program, epidemiology, is pretty small and badly gender balanced: 12 girls and two guys. But very friendly at the same time. I'm also beginning to work out what I'll be doing with my thesis. I've narrowed it down to two topics: one boring but very straightforward, another interesting but very risky. My supervisor, however, just told me that she's taking maternity leave at the beginning of January, but expects to keep working on the side all the way through. I'm a little suspicious.

I like the way they expect you to pick classes here too. You just go to the classes that sound interesting, then decide which one to take by the end of the month. Very relaxed and appealing to people like me who are interested in everything.

So I just thought I should check in, while I have a calm moment and give my promise to update more regularly.


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